Contact Us: 087 330 1154

The claims process is easy!
E-mail ( or contact us (087 330 1154) or Whatsapp us 0663198459 updating us on your appointment date and time.
- Preferably with a 24 hour notice period and to further streamline the claim process we urge you to supply us with the doctor’s name and contact details.
- This will allow us to contact the doctor to make the payment arrangements or in the event of an urgent appointment, we can deposit the funds into the premium payer’s account.
- Please note that we shall pay in good faith but we will require the invoice to be sent back to us before we can process a second claim should one arise.
- We would like to avoid members being out of pocket so we
Please contact Africa Assist on 010 211 5726 (Emergencies) for any claims that relate to accidents that may require urgent treatment as well as operations/admissions that you may require under our hospital plan.
Please note that all relevant contact details will be displayed on your Asterio membership card/Benefit certificate but we ask that you please save the contact details on your mobile device for easy reference.
- Download the funeral claim form from the Asterio Website or contact Asterio Medical Insurance in order to notify the claims.
- Claims are paid out within 48 hours, after all essential documents have been submitted. Use black ink only to complete all documents, clearly print one character per block. To avoid any delays please complete all required details and remember to sign the form.
- Original certified copies of documents MUST be posted if requested. Documents may be faxed or emailed to the below contact details.
- Proceeds will only be paid out to beneficiaries on the policy. Please ensure to submit the claim within 30 days of event.
- The claim form, together with the following documents, must be returned to Asterio within 30 days of event.
- Original certified copy of the Identity Document or Birth Certificate of the Claimant / Beneficiary.
- Original certified copy of the Identity Document or Birth Certificate of the Deceased person.
- Original certified copy of Death Certificate of the Deceased person.
- Original copy of completed notice of Death forms from Home Affairs.
- Original copy of completed notice of burial order forms from Home Affairs.
- Copy of bank statement or cancelled cheque of the bank account to be used for the payment of the proceeds.
- Medical Practitioners report in case of claiming for a still born child or an accident.
- Copy of the police report in case of an unnatural death (Accident, murder etc)
- For appointments or pre authorization contact us: 087 330 1154
- Claims related queries contact us: 087 330 1154
Day-To-Day Cover
Affordable standalone Green/Blue/ Green solutions for everyone providing access to private doctors and health practitioners
Day-To-Day Cover
Our Standalone Day-to-Day plans are available in three options being Green which is our basic plan, Blue and Red.
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Accidental & Hospital Cover
Our hospital plan provides you with a wide range of benefits in the event of hospitalisation or accident
Accidental & Hospital Cover
Our Accident & Hospital plans covers injuries and provides peace of mind for those without medical aid
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Full Combo
Combine your Day-to-Day cover with one of our affordable Accidental and/or Hospital plans
Full Combo Cover
Combine your Day-to-Day cover with one of our affordable standalone solutions
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Keep your teeth healthy with our affordable dental care. Prevent cavities early
Dental Cover
Keep your teeth healthy. Prevent cavaties early with experience and professional dental care
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Affordable standalone solutions for everyone providing access to private doctors and health practitioners
Scholar Cover
Our Standalone Day-to-Day plans are available in three options being Green which is our basic plan, Blue and Red.
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